Mythic Clash: Battle of the Greek Gods
Bite Sized Mythology
Learn about Greek Mythology while playing a fun, innovative boardgame. Create a dynamic map of various important places within Greek Mythology, summon monsters and heroes from famous myths, play as different ancient Greek gods.
Mythic Clash: Battle of the Greek Gods (Free Playtest)
Mythic Clash: Battle of the Greek Gods (Free Playtest)
- Vendor
- Unknown Vendor
A war between gods, heroes, and monsters has begun! Garner glory to achieve victory.
Number of Players: 2 to 4
The first player to earn the required amount of glory points wins the game. How many points you need depends on the number of players in the game.
In this downloadable file, you’ll find the characters used to play. These can be printed out on a4 sheets of paper. You will need to cut each of the cards out, fold them, then glue the two sides together. Because players will be erasing their writing on each card, it’s recommended you print with thicker paper for longevity, rather than just standard printer paper.
To have the miniatures stand up, you’ll want to find something similar to this listing on Amazon called “Blulu 36 Pieces Game Card Stands Multi-Color with 36 Pieces Blank Board Game Board Markers for Party Favor”.
This downloadable file allows for four players at once. This product with five stands each is enough for gameplay.
To play, you’ll want some pencils and erasers for your players. The mechanics of the game are all based on rolling 6 sided dice, so you should aim to have several on the table.
Zabrynn Lander, the creator, reserves all the rights to Mythic Clash © including the game rules, its card design, and all art produced by her.
This work is not public domian or in the creative commons. It is designed for personal use and provided for free as incentive to provide questions, reviews, feedback, and/or playtest results. If you wish to use this in a classroom, library, or elsewhere feel free to contact Zabrynn through
First published: March 2025