Travelling through the High Forest
The High Forest as of 5th Edition
Also known as the Great Everwood or Tath Árvan in Elvish. The High Forest is a vast woodland the size of some countries. It is north lies the Silverymoon Pass, to its south is the town of Loudwater and the High Moor. To the east stretches the Greypeak Mountains and to the west rolls the Dessarin Valley.
Between the High Forest and the Greypeak Mountains runs a massive valley, cut into the earth by the Delimbiyr River (Del Imbiyr in Elvish).

Return of the Elves
Over a hundred and fifty years ago, the elves Retreated from much of Faerun to Evermeet. However, in the interim, many elves have become to return.
Lady Morgwais Nightmeadow leads the efforts to retake the old Elven woods in the High Forest. The Council of the Wood (Caerilcarn in Elvish) seeks to restore the ancient Elvish kingdom of Eaerlann.
They have established two new settlements within the forest: Nordahaeril ("town of the long dead") and Reitheillaethor ("mysical and very formidable forest").
Surrounding Regions
Before an adventurer delves into the almost impassable High Forest, they might find more profitable ventures in the surrounding regions.

Silverymoon Pass
Hemmed in by the Nether Mountains, run the Silverymoon Pass. Leading south-west from the Ice Spires to the city of Silverymoon, this region has suffered in recent years.
Silverymoon is a large city of 40,000 people. It has a true mix of folk, with a number of human, elves, half-elves, dwarves and halflings. The city is ruled by Lord Methrammar Aerasumé, a half-elf near the end of his second century.
Following the River Rauvin south, you will eventually come to Everlund. Another city of decent size, Everlund has 23,000 people of a similar distribution as Silverymoon.
It you continue along the River Rauvin you will pass many abandoned towns, destroyed in the war with the orcs, until eventually reaching Jalanthar, a tiny hamlet that marks the turn north into the Moon Pass.
Fall of Luruar
Also known as the Silver Marches, Luruar was a might confederation within the Nether Mountains. It aligned the vast, traditional wild lands of the North. A union of strongholds such as Silverymoon, Citadel Adbar, Jalanthar, Everlund and Sundabar.
However, the orc hordes it had been created to resist eventually overwhelmed the confederation and many of its locations fell. The Lord of Deadsnows was killed, leaving his town without a leader.
In 1484 DR, Sundabar was destroyed. Within a few years, the Silver Marches disbanded as the conferdation no longer trusted each other.
Dessarin Valley
From Everlund, you can follow the Evermoor Way south and find some accomodation. Small holdfasts such as Olostin's Hold, Noanar's Hold and the Calling Horns will give you a place to stay the night but little else.
Pockets of halfling and human farming communities can be found through the valley but be warned, these hills are not safe to travel. Orcs, ogres, and other fearsome beasts roam this region. If you're caught out, you might be lucky and find somewhere to hide in the dwarven ruins common in these parts.

To the south of the High Forest, up the Delimbiyr Road, you will find Loudwater.
The Delimbiyr River widens out to a fine beach here. Once a trading post, the town grow large with trade. The people of Loudwater are widely known for their rich cheese, such as the translucent mist cheese.
Telbor Zazrek is the High Lord here, a human mage and ex-adventurer. Despite having only 2,000 people, Loudwater is one of the largest towns in the surrounding area. Many hamlets nearby, such as Zelbross and Orlbar, have been destroyed or abandoned.
Many of the farms and houses in Loudwater too been lost over the past hundred years, from its heyday of 8,000 people.
The Upvale

The High Forest Itself
The Endless Caverns
In the southern half of the High Forest, a branch of the Unicorn Run flows through a network of limestone caverns. Passages cut through this region - not all are natural. A few of these roughly hewn tunnels leads into the Underdark. These caverns are older than even Eaerlann. Many creatures have made their lairs within these ravines, from dragons to drow to azers and fire giants.
The Elves of Nordahaeril will likely pay a fine bounty if an adventurer could clear out whatever has made its home there in recent years.

The Direwood
To the east of the Star Mounts and not far from the Hearblood River (Araelkhor Fha), emerges a ring of albino oaks. This length of odd trees, some 60 miles in circumfernece, is known as the Direwood.
If you push through this layer of oaks you will find a vast woodland of blackened, petrified trees. Journeying deeper into the Direwood, you will find a giant isolated hill with steep slopes. A small trail winds up the warped rockface to the top. Green crystals, said to be the hearts of devils, protrude from the ground along this trail.
The Starmounts
On the south-eastern side of the Starmounts, you will find "the Sisters" (Tath Nysa). These waterfalls run down from the high mountains, cascading from a hundred cliffs into the headwaters of the Unicorn Run. The rising moon catches the waterdrops lets at just the right angle to create an evershifting nighttime rainbow, akin to the Aura Borealis. Unicorns are said to roam around these mountains and catching a glimpse of one near the Sisters is considered a sign of good fortune.
On the western side of the Starmounts is the Aarakocran village of Khle'cayre.

The Lost Peaks
Forests claim much of the sweeping slopes of the Lost Peaks. One of the oldest mountains in Toril, the Lord Peaks are now but mighty. The Dessarin River beguns in the wide valleys of these mountains, making their way down to Waterdeep.
Atop these mountains, on a high plateau, spring the Fountains of Memory. Those who look at their reflections in the water will see their pasts, often drawing in travellers into their depths. Those who enter these waters are teleported to a random location.
A small village of Shadovar can be found in these peaks, where they previously imprisoned several Chosen.
Tall Trees
AKA: Teuve Amanthaar Elvish for: "Good and Merciful Forest of the Moon"
The woodlands here are some of the oldest within High Forest and the trees loom tall over all others. Deep within the forest can be found the ruins of Teuveamanthaar, the ancient capital of Eaerlann. The Elves in Reitheillaethor have been seeking out its location for decades.
Near the northern edges, stands the Citadel of the Mists. This castle was built over the top of an ancient elven armory. The Mistmaster, a human cleric of Leira, shrouded the castle with a warding spell, making it inaccessible. The Mistmaster has long since passed on but his spellcraft remains.
The citadel is home to many of the Mistmaster's creatures such as pegasi and elementals that have no broken from their stables and cages and bring chaos to the surrounding forests.

Turlang's Wood
A thicket of treants slowly roam the northern reaches of the High Forest. The hundred or so treants are led by Turlang. The treants keep a garden of both local and exotic plants. They are protective of their groves but will allow rangers and druids to enter if they prove themselves friends of the forest.
You will know you are nearing Turlang's Wood by the glowing fungus, which the treants cultivate.
Diving west through the High Forest you might stumble across the Grandfather Tree. This is an arakhor, ("Great Warden") an elder treant. The Grandfather Tree is a gigantic, gnarled oak tree, at 350 feet tall, a rival in size to the largest trees in Cormanthor.
The Grandfather Tree is considered hallowed ground by many who live in the High Forest. The Tree Ghost tribe of barbarians bury their dead in a ring around the tree - however, the Red Tiger tribe is looking to gain the Grandfather Tree for themselves.