9 Elvish Place Names for Dungeons and Dragons

Ardun Dín "Struggle Mountain"

Pronounced: AR-dun-DIN

More literally translated this is: Mountain of Dark Trials.

Ardun means "mountain" and it comes from combining the Elvish words ar- "high" and dun "hill"

Dín means "struggles, dark trials". It can be seen in the Elvish term Vaen-dín-thiil, "Fatigued By Life's Dark Trials", or more literally: Life wears [that one] down [with] Dark Trials"

Cōr Myth - "King's City"

Pronounced: COR-mihth

In this position, Cōr means "king, king's". If placed at the end, as Cór, it will mean "of Corellon".

Myth is an Elvish word meaning "city". This can be seen in the place names: Myth Adofaer, Myth Adofhaor, Myth Drannor, Myth Nantar, etc. Note: the order of words is determined by its origin. Cor originates as a noun (Corellon) while Drannor comes from the verb Dranno "to sing".

Narmórenial - Eternal Tomb

Pronounced: nar-MOR-en-IAL

Nar, adj, "eternal, immovable, unmoving, still".

Mór means "true death" and is combined with the word Enial "home" to make the word for "tomb". Note: if pronounced NAR-mor-EN-yal it means "Stone House of Darkness".

Tath Laranmista - "The Regal Forest"

Pronounced: tað LAR-an-MI-sta

Tath acts as a definite article "the" but is used to denote importance. It is not required in most Elvish phrases, and instead adds emphasis. E.g. "the forest" vs "The Forest".

Laran is an adjective meaning "regal". It can be seen in the Elvish terms Laranlors and Laranlas, "regal lord" and "regal lady" respectively.

Mista is one of the Elves many words for forest/wood. Seen in Selumista "High Forest", Shilmista "Shadow Forest".

Ór-tel-Tanarri - “Forest of the Outcast”

Pronounced: OR tel tan-AR-ri

Ór is an Elvish term for "forest". This can be found in other terms such as Cormanthor "The King's Vow Forest", Manthor "Vow of the Woods", Or tel Quessir "People of the Wood"

tel is an Elvish infix used to denote "related to, belonging to".

Tanarri / Tanar'ri means "Outcast".

Árgenevalīr - “Palace of Song”

Pronounced: AR-gen-EV-ah-LEER

Argen means "palace". This can be seen in the Elvish word Argen-tel-Lirynd, "palace of the ages".

Evaliir means "song". This can be seen in Evaliir-Enevahr “Song of Enevahr”, Evaliir Tel Quessir “Song of the People”

Alurelh-Aegow - "Meeting Place of the Best Ones"

Pronounced: al-UR-el-HAE-luu

Alur means "best, best ones". Seen in the Elvish term Alurlyath "Best of the Temple".

Elh means "place". Seen in Manth-elh-Nar, "place of pride's fall".

Aelou / Aelow means "meeting/s". This is seen in the term Aeloulaev, "When Peace Meets", Olin Aelou "Secret Meeting"

Fha Ēska - “River Fort”

Fha “river” – origin of the Elvish term fhaor "transformation"

Ēska “fort” – seen in Evereska "fortress of the [elven] people"

Mion Tiru - "Diamond Tower"

Pronounced: MI-on TEE-roo

Mion "diamond", found in the Dragon #279 article.

Tiru "tower" - seen in Tiru'Tel'Quessir "Tower of the People"

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