7 Female High Elf Names to Inspire Your Next Character

Ienil - Conveying Beauty
Pronounced: ee-en-il
This name uses the elements:
ien - to illuminate, to convey, communicate, transmit, refresh, invigorate
il - Beauty

Sorah - Dependable Bird
Pronounced: so-rah
Inspired by the name "Sora" but also the English word "Soar". This
name uses the elements:
So - solid, still, dependable, steady, even, true
Rah - bird

Miravel - Precious Blade
Pronounced: ME-ra-vel
Create Your Own Name
The Complete Elf Name Booklet | Name Your D&D Elf!
The Complete Elf Name Booklet | Name Your D&D Elf!
- Vendor
- dndalley
Are you a bit of a name nerd?
Do you want to carefully craft a name for your elf character - with meaning and a story? This booklet has over 250+ name elements based on canon D&D Elvish! For more about what that means, check out this blog.
This booklet has three sections for the three names your elf might have: Chosen Name, Child Name and Surname.
Every section has a list of name elements so you can create your own. You can randomly generate the place names by rolling dice (uses a d100 table) or simply pick out the elements you like!
- over 250+ name elements
- several quick ideas for names (great for DMs!)

Uvashe - Fae Imagination
Pronounced: OO-va-SHEY
This name is perfect for a High Elf with a close relationship
with the Feywild.

Alaes - Fortunate Meeting
Pronounced: al-EYS

Yrana - Opal
Pronounced: uh-ra-na
This name means "opal" and can be spelt a couple different ways.
DnD Character Sheet | Sunflower
DnD Character Sheet | Sunflower
- Vendor
- dndalley
"Beautiful and clear bought them as a gift." -- Heidi
"Got these specifically for my mom, she loves them!" -- Hunter
This character sheet is one of the most popular options for DnDAlley. And the design has recently been updated!
This character sheet is all about sunflowers - and has a little birdy as well to keep you company on your adventure.
This sunflower themed character sheet has five pages:
☑️ main page (skills, stats, hp, and proficiency)
☑️ spells page 1 (room for lots of spells cantrips to level 4 + notes)
☑️ spells page 2 (room for spells level 5 to level 9 + notes)
☑️ weapon page (ranged, melee, and even a small spot for spells [like smites])
☑️ character details (personality sections + class features)
Download this beautiful character sheet in A4 size.
Pages for casters and martial classes.